Why being a realistic cryptocurrency trader is going to be more beneficial in the long run versus being overly optimistic.
A lot of the space in crypto is filled with a lot of people who just keep emphasizing to the moon mindset.
A lot of people forget the most important thing in crypto and why you start crypto is to make money.
People forget this. They go into a project and they don't want to ever sell.
And I think even with how volatile this market has been over the last couple of weeks, we've seen the overly optimistic side and we have seen what happens and the repercussions that come with being overly optimistic.
At $48,000 $BTC , everybody thought we were going to $60,000 BTC And then we came all the way back down to $38,000 Bitcoin.
The best mindset, in my opinion, is trade maybe a couple handful of cryptos that you like, have a long-term portfolio and a short-term portfolio that you want to play with.
And your long-term portfolio should consist of very, very good cryptos, not cryptos that only get talked about every so often when people want to talk about them.
Why do I like Chainlink? Because it progressively grew throughout the bear market.
And even when it was not the bear market, it was still $LINK Now, every other person is always going to have a difference of an opinion from me and you or somebody else.
But not everybody is doing their own research.
But if everybody does do their own research, we won't have as many issues as we have been seeing in the volatility of this market. As always, stay safe, follow @El Ogiso like and comment. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #ElOgisoBinanceWhale #Elogiso #link