Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have become rapidly widespread and popular in recent years. However, for those new to the field it can be difficult to understand the difference between the concepts. The terms testnet, mainnet and devnet refer to different stages in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. In this article, we will examine these terms in detail.


Mainnet is a term used to describe when a blockchain protocol has been fully developed and published. It is formed by the combination of the words 'main' and 'network', which are Turkish for main network. In the mainnet phase, the blockchain protocol is fully ready and operational. At this stage, users have to pay some fee to perform any transaction. This fee is called the gas fee. Errors and bugs that may occur during the mainnet phase can have very serious consequences. Because mainnet can also be interpreted as the real world. Therefore, before moving to the mainnet phase, the blockchain protocol must be carefully tested.


Testnet is the name given to the testing phase of a blockchain protocol or network before it operates at full capacity. Testnets are used to prepare before the mainnet phase. Just as actors in a theater play rehearse before going on the actual show, dapps or networks that will be released on the blockchain have to rehearse to test themselves and their work before moving to the mainnet. No problems in the test network pose a danger. On the contrary, the aim is to detect possible problems. In fact, in many testnets, people who find bugs in the project and report them to the team are rewarded. The biggest advantage of testnet is its cost. The tokens used in testnets have no financial equivalent.


The Devnet phase is the development phase of a blockchain network. Devnet is an example blockchain network used by software developers. Testnets are typically used for a limited period of time and are then renewed or shut down. Devnets, on the other hand, are generally longer lasting and are used continuously by software developers. After the devnet phase, the application is usually moved to the testnet phase.

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