Crypto abitrage.

Involves buying crypto in a platform that sells low and selling in a platform that buys at a higher price.

Case 1 ,

#PYTH might be trading at 0.5342$ in Binance, whereas in another platform let's say Kucoin,it's trading at 0.4372$, a quicker way to make money out of this would be to basically buy pyth from Kucoin and sell it in Binance. You'll easily make +20$ profits in a single transaction. Shocking right? Now you see there is no reason for you to go broke in 2024 friends.


Case 2;

Buying crypto in a country that sells at a lower price and selling in a country that buys at a higher price (P2P) . #USDT. t in UK might be trading at a slightly higher price than in South Africa,so you buy in South Africa and sell in UK. This is extremely profitable, EXCEPT that you'll need to have modes of picking/holding the money between the two countries.

Case 3

P2P offers a wide range of payment method , a sharper and easy way to make $10+ profits daily would be to have multiple payment method and then do analyzed arbitrage .


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