What is a soft launch?

Soft Launching a game is the ideal way to test early experiences and tune gameplay to more accurately fit the actual players. It is so common in F2P that most never even consider premium style launches. But, in the GameFi sector games often neglect the lessons the F2P industry has taught us. IMPORTANT NOTE: Soft launch basically means the game is still work in progress and players should be prepared for lots of new features and big changes in gameplay.

Nunu Spirits soft launch

The Nunu Spirits game development team has been working hard ever since the project began about a year ago and has been making great strides now that the game has made it into soft launch. Soft launches can be divided into phases: technical, retention/CPI, and monetization/scaling

  1. Our soft launch began with  technical testing. This version of the game is released to a small number of users, to test out if our servers and game application are running properly. We have since been sorting out all the bugs that surfaced and optimizing performance in preparation for a larger player base. 

We have been testing our soft launch version in these regions: Vietnam, Indonesia, and Cambodia.  Google play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.TaterGames.NunuSpirits App store: https://apps.apple.com/sk/app/nunu-spirits/id1461482705?l=sk

  1. Next, we will enter the retention and user experience testing phase. This is where gameplay sees the more significant changes. New mechanics and features are tested on a broader spectrum of players and in more regions. 

  1. The third and the final stage of the soft launch will mainly focus on the monetization and scaling and will carefully monitor the behavior of the players. This is where we will finalize the main game economy and balance it, so you as players will have the best experience. 

All this is done to bring you the best possible Nunu Spirits game!

What features can be found in the soft launch today?

Floor is Toxic: Fast-paced platformer where you need to escape a rising toxic cloud. Jump on the leafy platforms, discover secret treasures, get close to the totem, and activate it to clean the tree from the toxicity. We added new levels, updated character controllers, and added new collectibles and a super firefly shield, which protects you from the obstacles. 

Nunu Adventure: Side-scrolling endless runner in which quick reflexes are needed in order to avoid a variety of ever changing environmental obstacles. While running endlessly, you can explore various biomes, but as speed increases, it’s harder and harder to succeed.

Vine Runner: A new mini-game where your Nunu must go as fast as possible while collecting everything they can from around the vine – also upside down! Avoid the obstacles and dash with your loot to the finish line. 

We will continue to added a new biomes, new levels, and adjustments to the gameplay based on player feedback and the data we collect.

Look out for new Nunus, skins, items, features, special events, and even more mini-games in the future.