Main conclusions

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is growing exponentially, but its use comes with data protection and security risks.

  • Blockchain's immutability, transparency, and consensus mechanisms can all improve the security of interactions with AI.

Blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI), being among the most revolutionary technologies in the world, can leverage each other's strengths to achieve amazing results.

In 2022 and 2023, artificial intelligence dominated news headlines, with advanced chatbots and other AI tools popping up every now and then. ChatGPT, a chatbot developed by OpenAI and released in November 2022, has become almost synonymous with artificial intelligence.

While AI has successfully captured the public's imagination, it is also causing concern in some industries. For example, students are using AI to write papers, and some see advanced AI as a potential threat to their professions. Concerns also relate to security issues regarding the exchange of information and data with artificial intelligence.

So who can eavesdrop on your conversations in ChatGPT? To answer this question, let's look at how AI works.

Most chatbots use a machine learning model that learns and analyzes huge amounts of data, including natural language text, to help chatbots communicate naturally and effectively. This data used to train chatbots can be obtained from public tweets, online reviews, social media comments, and past requests to the chatbot.

After analyzing this data, they begin to make connections between different topics, much like the human brain. When you interact with a chatbot, it receives your request, analyzes it on the appropriate server, and sends you its response.

The real dangers of artificial intelligence

While the above tools are undoubtedly useful, there are potential problems with how exactly humans interact with AI. As with any powerful technology, AI can be used for criminal purposes by attackers. Below are possible cases of such use:

  1. Data theft. A trading bot, advisor, or chatbot may not provide sufficient protection for customer data. While blockchain achieves a high level of security for user data through cryptographic techniques, AI may not have the same built-in standards.

  2. Low data quality. The level of AI depends on the level of data on which it is trained. If it uses false information, the end result may be incorrect, misleading, and even offensive in certain creative applications.

  3. AI-powered software is another target for hackers. They can gain illegal access to software to distribute malware, install ransomware, steal data, or even remotely control user accounts. For example, if you have linked your trading account to AI software via an API, a hacker could gain access to your account and make trades by impersonating you.

  4. Hosting platform vulnerabilities. Connecting to an AI tool requires interaction with the hosting platform's software. The website, chatbot, or database that connects to these components is stored on servers that may not be well protected.

  5. Inappropriate protocols and insufficient employee training. When you engage a third party, you must be confident that they and their employees operate safely and securely. The user needs to learn how to use AI software safely to avoid inadvertently giving it too much access to personal data.

Protecting sensitive data using blockchain

Many of the above problems can be solved using blockchain technology. By building AI software on top of the blockchain, we may be able to eliminate some of the privacy risks inherent in AI.

What is blockchain

Blockchain is a type of database that sorts information into blocks of data. These blocks are arranged sequentially, forming a chain. Once data has been stored in the blockchain, it is virtually impossible to change or delete it, since each block contains cryptographic information about previous blocks.

Blockchain is valued for its high security and ability to generate consensus among non-blockchain participants. Their immutability ensures data integrity, and their distributed nature makes it difficult for attackers to manipulate the system.

Proof-of-work (PoW) and Proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms have demonstrated that it is possible to successfully and efficiently gather and coordinate millions of people.

Overall, blockchain provides a strong foundation for solving some of the problems associated with AI. Let's look at two key areas where it can be used most effectively.


Let's return to the problem of data theft. Blockchain offers a secure way to encrypt sensitive information. Many blockchain networks have built-in privacy features that can protect certain information from being viewed by unauthorized persons.

To achieve this, some networks use zk-SNARKs. Cryptographic hashing is also extremely common, along with end-to-end encryption using public and private keys.

Incorporating these technologies into the AI ​​interaction process can help improve overall data security, since the only people who will be able to see the information being transmitted will be those who have permission to do so.

Identity and data authentication

Artificial intelligence chatbots are trained on huge amounts of data. However, not all of this data is reliable. While recording data on a blockchain does not always guarantee its correctness, it does provide a transparent trail that can be verified. Overall, this increases confidence in the data used and ensures that it will not be tampered with in the future.

Blockchain can also help with identity authentication. Only those who should have access to it will be able to add or change data. This can be controlled using private keys or even a consensus mechanism that decides what can be added. This is necessary to combat misinformation.


The availability and impressive achievements of AI are similar to those of blockchain. Together they have the potential to turn their weaknesses into strengths.

As discussed, blockchain has enormous potential to help people securely interact with AI tools and services. More research and experimentation is needed to understand exactly how these integrations work from a technical perspective, but the benefits are already clear.

So who can access your conversations on ChatGPT? Well, when using blockchain, no one!

Additional Information

  • (Blog) Looking to the Future: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and NFTs

  • (Blog) How to Find Love Using Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain: How AI Can Help You This Valentine's Day

  • (Blog) What is ChatGPT and how to use it in the cryptocurrency space?