The rise of Bitcoin has led to several technological advancements to the blockchain system. Please read along as we discuss about Proof Of Work and It’s relationship with Bitcoin.

In every 10 minutes, a new block is supposed to be added by Bitcoin’s proof-of-work mechanism. This is accomplished by adjusting the difficulty of mining Bitcoin in accordance with the rate at which blocks are being added by miners. The hash computations get more difficult if mining proceeds too quickly. They become simpler when the pace slows.

What is Proof Of Work?

The original idea behind cryptocurrencies placed a strong emphasis on decentralization. To do that, a technique for verifying transactions apart from the use of financial institutions was required. Proof of work was the first solution to this problem.

Proof of work (POW) is a consensus process to decide which of these network users — known as miners — are permitted to perform the lucrative task of validating fresh data. It’s profitable since the miners receive additional cryptocurrency when they correctly validate the new data and don’t manipulate the system.

How Does The Proof Of Work Mechanism Work?

A blockchain is a public ledger made up of blocks of transactions that exists for every cryptocurrency. Each block of transactions in a proof-of-work cryptocurrency has a unique hash. A crypto miner must provide a target hash that is less than or equal to the block’s hash in order for the block to be confirmed and also receive the reward for this task.

Bitcoin users the SHA-256 hashing algorithms. The miner who won the round of hashing, however, aggregates and records transactions from the mempool into the next block. However, the “winner” is randomly-chosen proportional to the work done, it incentivizes everybody on the network to act honestly and record only true transactions. Once a miner provides a target hash, the block gets confirmed and added to the blockchain which is now visible to other miners on the network.

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