shill army

In the Web3 space, community engagement stands as the cornerstone for project prosperity. #Landshare, has reimagined community involvement with the launch of Shill Army—a transformative, long-term event meticulously designed to amplify our presence within the burgeoning Zealy platform.

Embarking on a six-month journey, this program comprises monthly seasons, each lasting a month and featuring an overarching leaderboard. These leaderboards encapsulate all quests published on Zealy, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging experience for participants.

Seasonal Rewards Breakdown:

  • Top 1–50: 500 LAND (10 tokens each)

  • Top 51–150: 500 LAND (5 tokens each)

Within each season, we've crafted two-week sprints, with a Sprint Leaderboard incorporating quests from Shill and Boost categories, excluding the Creative and KOLs categories. As each sprint concludes, results are tallied, rewards are distributed, and the cycle begins anew.

Sprint Rewards Structure For season 2:

  • Top 1–5: 125 LAND (x25 tokens each)

  • Top 6–15: 200 LAND (x20 tokens each)

  • Top 16–30: 225 LAND (x15 tokens each)

  • Top 31–50: 200 LAND (x10 tokens each)

  • Top 51–100: 250 LAND (x5 tokens each)

The competition evolves, ensuring a dynamic and intriguing environment for participants. Rewards are distributed three times a month (sprint 1 + sprint 2 + season 1), totaling 3000 $LAND tokens.

Sprint #1 is exclusive to the Top 177 from the Onboarding Sprint completed the previous week. These participants, having received special Discord roles, are already immersing themselves in our server structure. To join subsequent sprints, fill out the Google Form. Sprint #2 registration is open, with a tentative start date of February 16th.

Apply now by joining our Discord Server and completing the Google Form. Please note that priority is given to verified shillers with experience and well-curated social accounts featuring unique content.

The launch of Shill Army signifies a momentous milestone for the Landshare Community, and we're ecstatic to share this exciting news. This article provides an overview, but for an in-depth exploration, join our Discord community on the Twitter Profile Bio - @Landshareio

#Landshare #Tokenization #RWA

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