1-If you enter the stock market hoping to make a 10% profit every week and trade money, you should read about this.
We have passed this, if you are going to invest for the long term, that is, 1 year, 3 years without buying or selling, you still need to have research. Not every Cryptocurrency has the same power behind it. In order to know the future of a Cryptocurrency, you need to be knowledgeable in 46 items.
Whether short-term or long-term, there are things you can and cannot do once you buy Cryptocurrency. Let me tell you what you should never do; When there is a decline and your money appears to be at a loss, do not sell. If it falls to the bottom, let it fall and relax. Everything has nature.
Every money has a buyer and a waiter when its value decreases. For example, there are people who did not dare to buy that money when it was 50 thousand dollars, but when it dropped to 46 thousand dollars, they saw the huge profit they would make and entered this business with huge amounts of money. That's why when a coin drops, it becomes more popular.
For example, if gold prices drop to 300 lira per gram today, millions of women will immediately buy gold. If it drops to 150 liras, billions of women will immediately buy gold, and you can no longer find gold for 1500 liras per gram, because it has become a reserve. If it rose to #btc 40 thousand dollars, it owes a little to this...