2023 turned out to be a very positive year for some altcoins. The three cryptocurrencies in question have either broken through the $100 barrier or are close to it. Let's see if Solana (SOL), Injective (INJ) and Avalanche (AVAX) can reach triple digits.

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Solana is gathering strength

In December 2023, the SOL price reached a local high of $121. The rally was associated with the airdrops of a number of projects, as well as the launch of numerous memcoins on Solana.

Although the asset is currently down to $86, it still has a real chance to regain the $100 mark. This potential is driven by a combination of Solana's technological advances, increased demand for dApps, and a growing community of developers contributing to the ecosystem.

Demand recovery and ongoing upgrades to address past grid outages could also drive SOL upward.

Strategic partnerships could push Avalanche to the $100 mark

Recent developments around Avalanche, including strategic partnerships and collaborations, have greatly enhanced the project's reputation. For example, the platform partnered with Alibaba Cloud to create a meta universe based on Cloudbase and collaborated with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

At the same time, the Avalanche Foundation expanded its Culture Catalyst initiative to include funding for the purchase of memcoins. The $100 million investment fund was initially focused on acquiring NFTs, but now plans to allocate a portion of the funds to purchase meme coins.

Expanding the ecosystem and integrating new tools could push AVAX to the $100 mark. If this happens, the token will approach an all-time high of $134.

Injective aims for a new high

Хоча нативний токен блокчейну Injective нещодавно оновив черговий історичний максимум, він може принести інвесторам ще багато приємних сюрпризів. Після значної події, пов'язаної правами минулого тижня, INJ більше не буде страждати від збільшення циркулюючої пропозиції, а постійне спалювання призведе до дефіциту активу.

Крім того, винагорода за стейкинг Injective продовжує зростати, що допомагає послабити тиск на продаж, а інтерес до екосистеми постійно зростає завдяки аірдропам, які викликають неабиякий FOMO у учасників крипторинку. #cryptonews #AVAX #SOL #BinanceUkraine #BinanceSqare $SOL $INJ $AVAX