I hope individuals start perceiving cryptocurrency as a stepping stone towards achieving their next milestone, rather than solely as a quick path to immense wealth and early retirement.

It would be beneficial if people could transform a $5,000 investment into $50,000 and then utilize that sum for practical purposes like making a down payment on a house or funding a three-month travel adventure.

Many fail to grasp the concept of opportunity costs and set unrealistic expectations for their returns. Consequently, during bear markets, they often end up losing what they've gained because it never seems sufficient.

Consider a 24-year-old who invests $10,000 and ends up with $100,000 by the age of 25. If they invested that in the S&P and left it untouched, it could grow to about $1.2 million in 25 years. While this might not be a colossal sum, it's a decent safety net for retirement.

Having such a financial cushion could enable more risk-taking. It might allow someone to invest what they would have put into a 401K into starting a business instead. Or it could simply change their life perspective, knowing they have sufficient funds to support themselves in case of job loss, or even to live comfortably in a place like Bali for two years.

Why is there such a focus on turning $500 in a less reputable coin into $50 million in three years? While these success stories are remarkable and certainly possible, it's disheartening to see people achieve life-altering financial gains yet feel it's inadequate because an influencer says so.

This perspective may seem rational and balanced, but based on my experience, those who value these insights the most are often the ones who were once blinded by similar notions. It's important to heed these reminders, especially when they are reiterated.