If you read any crypto creator content, even if it's me, you should always be absolutely skeptical about every single thing that you read or watch or hear.

One of the best habits that you could have as somebody who is a good crypto trader is understanding and being able to dissect the information you hear, see, or read.

Being able to determine whether or not the information you are being given is factual, authentic, and most importantly, transparent with you.

See, a lot of people who read content, and they hear or see one thing, and they just make an impulsive action based off what they hear, see, or read.

And the one thing that many people don't do is say, hey, you know what? I appreciate what you just gave me to watch or read or see, but how about I go and also do my own research too?

You can go read any book.

You can go watch any crypto creator. You can go and read anything you see online.

But if you're not able to take the information and confirm if the information you are being given is true, honest, transparent, in the long term of crypto, you will eventually be taken advantage of.

So to make sure that you're not a victim to anything in the future by anyone, be able to be your own person and also be able to do your own research. like most of you who are just plainly ignorant under my content comment. be your own person. do your own research and don't be always impulsive.

you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

doesn't mean it actually do exist either.

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