$PROM Rapid Rising Token of the Day

Historical Price / Market Cap

Jul 01, 2019 📊 $0.45 / .............

Jan 01, 2020 📊 $1.46 / $4,887,874

Jan 01, 2021 📊 $3.03 / $18,313,339

Jan 01, 2022 📊 $14.75 / $157,309,967

Jan 01, 2023 📊 $5.09 / $77,581,119

Jan 01, 2024 📊 $6.12 / $108,973,682

Jan 24, 2024 📊 $5.90 / $102,754,634

Total Supply: 19,250,000 $PROM

Circ. Supply: 18,250,000 $PROM

Max Supply: .................. $PROM


*Prom is a gaming NFT marketplace & rental. Completely decentralized, confidential, and safe, it meets the needs of players, metaverse-enthusiasts, NFT owners, guilds, and games. In a word, our project boldly aims to establish a sound future for the whole industry.