An important part of establishing a personal brand is not just being good at verbal expression, but also having a key skill - writing. In the current era of mobile Internet, individuals who are good at writing are like having a strong moat, which can create personal IP influence.

This paragraph introduces three effective expression methods: the pyramid expression method emphasizes conclusions before causes, and the overall situation first; the suspense pre-position method attracts the audience by raising questions, answering them, and summarizing them; and the situational expression method replaces problems with situations, presents scenes, and finally summarizes.

1. Pyramid Expression

In my opinion, this is a universal expression method, and its specific form is as follows: First state the conclusion, then the reason. First state the result, then the process. First state the overall situation, then the details.

2. Suspense Preposition Method

As the name suggests, you should raise a question at the beginning of the content. This question is equivalent to a hook to instantly attract users; then by answering the question, you can further retain users; finally, expand the explanation, summarize and sublimate, so as to encourage users to like and pay attention. It can be summarized in the following steps: raise a question → give an answer → expand the explanation → summarize and sublimate.

3. Situational Expression

This expression method is similar to the structure of the suspense prelude method, but the difference is that in the beginning, this method uses scenarios instead of questions. This is also a common and very useful expression method. The structure of this method is also expressed in the following steps: implant scenario → expand scenario → summarize and sublimate

In addition to writing content: How to protect your moat and avoid the centralized platform's manipulation of your content assets, so that you don't wake up and find that all your content has been deleted by the platform? You can try to find some web3 content publishing platforms and mint the content on the chain. Recently, I found a new project Echo that was launched on two test chains:

Echo bsc address:

Mantlei Address:

PoPP Echo is in its early stages, and I am very optimistic about Echo's gameplay mode. Echo is trying a great innovative experiment for creators, which is to allow content producers to retain all sales revenue. This ability is revolutionary. In the Web era, creators have already realized the monetization of their creations, but the secondary innovation of blockchain technology has further strengthened this ability, allowing content to truly become our net assets.

His main way to make money is: publish high-value articles → set prices → distribute content → make money through content. The platform was not promoted in the early days, but I heard that the model and the capital behind it are pretty good (rumor), so the new project is still worth a try.

Disclaimer: This article does not constitute any investment advice!