They have been bleeding for the last couple of days.

A lot of the big venture capitalist money, the big money has already pulled their money out. What you're now seeing is your own demise.

Retail investors are selling because they can't handle the fact that they're losing money. And believe it or not, the majority of the money that's in crypto is yours and mine. So when retail starts to sell, this is why you don't see big drops.

You see small, slow, steady drops. Because as they start to see it go down, and they wake up every morning, and they look at their portfolio, and they see that things aren't going up, they get impatient, they get scared, and they think that they can time the market, and then some of the big money that's still in, right, because they don't sell it all, right, they'll start dipping it a little bit more and scaring you.

Dip it a little bit more and scare you. Pop back up. Dip it a little bit more. And retail can't handle it.

The average, everyday investor, those of you that follow me and read my square content, a lot of you can't handle this. It hurts. It burns.

I get the messages all day long. There's so many of them, I can't answer them all. And what do you want me to say to you? Stop being a b*tch? Stop thinking short term? Because that's what I would say to you.

I would say to you, I'm buying more. As the market starts to dip, right, this slow burn is purposely designed, right, to flood you out of the market. It is a tactic that has been used for centuries.

Before there was even stocks, this was designed. There was always a way to get the average, everyday person out of something. This is exactly what they're doing inside the crypto markets.

So you have a choice. You either practice those strong hands, you dollar cost average knowing that we aren't even close to the parabolic stages of this bull run, or you can try to time the market like you're some expert trader and get wrecked. It's up to you.

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