
In our previous blog post, we briefly introduced our protocol, ZKCross, which aims to connect Web2 and Web3 effortlessly without adding unnecessary complexity. We also highlighted the current issues plaguing the Web3 industry, which hinder true decentralization, efficiency, and accessibility for developers. This blog post will delve deeper into how we plan to overcome these problems and achieve our goal of seamlessly linking Web2 and Web3.

Before we get into the specifics, let’s review what ZKCross is about!

What is ZKCross?

ZKCross is a groundbreaking platform that aims to bridge the gap between two versions of the internet, Web2 and Web3. It uses a WebAssembly virtual machine called zkVM and a “zk-shadow layer,” making it easy for different platform parts to work together. This approach allows Web2 developers to use programming languages such as C/C++, Java, or Python.

Our platform also employs a unique layer that connects the on-chain and off-chain environments seamlessly. This layer, known as a “zk-shadow layer,” facilitates the connection between zkWASM and the on-chain layer through zk-proxy contracts. Consequently, this allows us to break the barrier between Web2 and Web3 while facilitating high throughput and accessibility for any user or developer.

The wonders of Zero-knowledge technology

Zero Knowledge (ZK) technology refers to a class of protocols that allow one party (the prover) to demonstrate knowledge of a secret to another party (the verifier) without revealing any information about the secret itself. The concept was introduced in the late 1980s and has since found many applications, including cryptographic authentication. A ZK-proof typically involves a series of interactions between the prover and the verifier, during which the prover convinces the verifier of the knowledge of a secret without revealing it.

To be considered a ZK-proof, a protocol must satisfy completeness, soundness, and zero knowledge. Completeness means that an honest prover will always convince an honest verifier of the truthfulness of the statement being proven. Soundness means that a dishonest prover cannot convince the verifier of a false statement with a high probability. Finally, zero knowledge means that the protocol does not reveal any information about the secret to the verifier other than that the prover knows it. This means that even if an attacker intercepts all the communications between the prover and verifier, they will learn nothing about the secret.

The limitations of ZK dApp development

Developing ZK applications can be challenging due to limitations in programming language choice. Many blockchains use a specialized programming language called Solidity, tailored for writing smart contracts. It is not the most user-friendly language and has a steep learning curve that can challenge unfamiliar Web2 developers. thus leading to accessibility concerns for these developers.

To address this challenge, developers are exploring new solutions that allow more programming language flexibility when building ZK applications. One approach involves using a WebAssembly (WASM) virtual machine, which can allow developers to code in their preferred high-level programming languages, such as C/C++, Java, or Python. This allows Web2 developers to leverage their existing skills and experience to build ZK applications without learning new programming languages. Additionally, tools and frameworks (e.g. ZKCross SDK) are being developed that abstract away some of the complexity of writing smart contracts, making it easier for developers to create secure ZK applications.

zkVM, the holy trinity of development

ZKVM is short for Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machine, a technology used in the ZKCross protocol to help Web2 developers write smart contracts for Web3 without learning new programming languages. The zkVM leverages a WASM virtual machine, which allows Web2 developers to code in their preferred programming languages. WASM is incredibly popular for web-based applications and is used in all significant web engines. Thus, using the zkVM allows millions of developers to create Web3-ready applications without any steep learning curve. On the other hand, zkVM utilises zk-SNARKs; a cryptographic proof that allows one party to prove to another party the knowledge of a specific piece of information without revealing any information about it. SNARKs provide a way to validate computations on the blockchain without exposing sensitive (personal) data, such as personally identifiable information.

One of the major advantages of SNARKs is their succinctness. Unlike other types of ZK- proofs, which can be very computationally expensive and require many rounds of interaction between the prover and verifier, SNARKs can be highly efficient and require only a single proof that can be verified quickly.

Another advantage of SNARKs is their scalability. SNARKs can be used to verify the correctness of large computations without revealing any of the details of the computation itself. This makes them particularly useful for verifying the correctness of smart contracts in blockchain networks, where the computations can be very complex and require a lot of computational resources.

ZkVM advantages

zkVM offers a range of benefits for developers looking to build decentralized applications.

  • High Flexibility: With zkVM, developers can write smart contracts in their preferred high-level programming language, C/C++, Java, or Python, instead of being limited to specific programming languages.

  • Improved Scalability: The zkVM allows faster transaction execution and higher throughput, essential for building scalable decentralized applications.

  • Saw Modularity and Composability: With zkVM, developers can quickly build complex decentralised applications using different modules without worrying about language or platform compatibility issues.

  • Enhanced Security: The zkVM utilizes ZK-proofs, known as SNARKs, to provide high security by enabling computation verification without revealing sensitive data.

  • Decentralization: The zkVM promotes decentralization by allowing the execution of smart contracts in a distributed manner across multiple nodes, thus eliminating the need for central authorities.

In upcoming blogs, our unique and revolutionary ecosystem will be further explained in more detail, highlighting use cases, taking a deep dive into the architecture, and much more!