Step by step: The humble power of #RATS**

On this long journey,#RATSdidn’t start with thunder, but began with humble and humble steps.

1. **Humbleness of newborn:**

#RATSis not high and mighty, it was born humbly out of individual concerns and fears. Initially, it was a quiet voice, an individual's resistance to injustice, and a silent sigh accumulated in the hearts of the people at the bottom.

2. The surge of public opinion:

Over time, the humble humility of#RATSgradually fueled a surge of public opinion. Every sound made is a drop of water, which gathers into a river of public opinion. The power contained in humbleness is gradually awakened in the surge of public opinion. This is the common voice of the people at the bottom and the rise of a group fighting for fairness.

3. **Humility of Unity:**

The strength of#RATSis not in standing alone, but in humility in unity. Every support, every heart that joins is an expression of humility, a solidarity that comes together at the bottom. This is a group that moves towards the light step by step with humility and perseverance.

4. **From humbleness to perseverance:**

In every humble moment of neglect,#RATSbreeds resilience. This is an arduous journey related to justice. Every step is full of challenges, but it becomes more powerful because of humility. Humility is not weakness, but the transformation of strength, every step forward.

5. The rise of #RATS:

Today,#RATSis no longer a humble murmur but a thunderous rise. The power buried in humbleness flourishes, with the voices of the people at the bottom as the main melody, humbly playing a song of resistance.

In humility,#RATSfind a source of strength, rising from humility one step at a time to become the light of hope for change.