It is a good thing that gods from all walks of life are entering the market now, bringing new liquidity and confidence. But that has to be based on community so they can feel safe. However, Rats relies on the unity of retail investors to get out of the circle, so don't let a small article from a so-called institution affect your judgment and your chips. You still need Rats many times over to turn over. Big money cannot make you loyal. If you make a few million from 5 million in a short time, you will definitely get off the market. So stick to Rats’ core mission: let Rats infect everyone’s wallet.

To get Rats out of the circle is to walk the same path as the dog, to follow the path of the masses, to be recognized by more and more ordinary investors in the currency circle, and finally to be recognized by institutions and let them take over Rats.

If Rats can reach 100,000 holders, it will be called a staged success. Let us work together to amplify the imagination of Rats. "For 100,000 holders" is the action slogan for the next stage. Fission will only start after 100,000 addresses. If each newcomer is welcome to invest 100 oil to buy Rats, there are currently 370,000 Rats. If the price of Rats reaches 0.1, the income will be very considerable. The point is that this is the BTC pie chain and will never return to zero. We can hold a preaching contest and only preach about the entry of the Hundred-Yuan God of War. This is very sexy, hugs a lot of people, unites the Hundred-Yuan God of War, and leads them to play games and post posts to build a community. You don’t have to just advocate Binance or Web 3 all day long, which will appear too speculative. You should plan for a protracted war in advance and constantly gain support from new people. That is the sea of ​​stars.