~~ Be careful of wrong behaviors that are rewarded ~~

Some people make contracts without setting a stop loss, give up the order or increase the amount evenly after seeing a mistake... and then accidentally make money...

Some people like to speculate in spot stocks with short ins and short outs, and then accidentally make money...

There are also people who go against local dogs, play with the money market, and end up accidentally making money...

These are common behaviors in the currency circle. Once you make money, you will think it is a way to make money.

But the trap lies in these small sweet reward behaviors, which make it easier for us to ignore the correct methods and risk control.

One day you may hold more and more funds, and then you will lose everything in one step.

The currency circle is very dangerous, don’t listen to those nonsense that will turn your position around in a few days.

Really make so much money, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,...,1024. If you turn it over 10 times, it’s a thousand times, will the person still be here!?

Risk control is the first step for your survival. If you can't survive, there is no need to talk about anything else.

*The picture is modified using leonardo.ai