BNB is our platform currency for Binance trading. The founder of BNB is Changpeng Zhao, a Chinese-Canadian born in Jiangsu. He once worked at the New York Stock Exchange and Bloomberg, and later founded the Binance Exchange and became a successful blockchain entrepreneur.

So, what’s the price outlook for BNB? We can analyze it from the perspective of Bazi and predict the price trend of BNB based on the release date of BNB and the God of Wealth.

BNB’s horoscope

According to BNB’s release date, we can deduce its horoscope as:

- Year Pillar: Ding You, Fire Metal

- Moon Pillar: Ding Wei, Fire and Earth

- Sun Pillar: Yi Hai, Mu Shui

- Hour Pillar: Xin Si, Metal Fire

Judging from the horoscope, the five elements of BNB are mainly fire and metal, followed by wood and water, and at least earth. Fire and gold are in a conflicting relationship, which means that BNB will encounter many challenges and competitions during its development and needs constant innovation and breakthroughs. Wood and water are in a mutually beneficial relationship, which means that BNB has good vitality and development potential, and can adapt to different environments and changes. Earth is the neutralizer of fire and metal, which means that BNB needs a stable and balanced foundation to maintain long-term development.

Judging from the fortune of the horoscope, BNB's annual pillar is Dingyou, which means that BNB's annual fortune is affected by gold. Gold is the fortune star, which means that BNB's annual income and profits will increase, but there will also be some fluctuations and risks. The moon column of BNB is Ding Wei, which means that BNB's monthly fortune is affected by earth. Earth is the official star, which means that there will be some changes in policies and regulations in BNB's months, which will have a certain impact on the operation and management of BNB. BNB's daily pillar is Yihai, which means that BNB's daily fortune is affected by water. Water is the wounded official, which means that BNB will have some difficulties and setbacks in daily life, and it requires enough patience and confidence. The time pillar of BNB is Xin Si, which means that BNB's fortune is affected by fire. Fire is the god of food, which means that BNB will have some opportunities and creativity during the period, which requires keen insight and judgment.

To sum up, BNB’s horoscope is generally relatively balanced, with pros and cons, opportunities and risks. Reasonable planning and strategies are required to fully utilize the potential and advantages of BNB. According to our analysis, the price trend of BNB in ​​2024 should first rise, then fall, then rise again, and finally stabilize, as follows:

- In the first three months of 2024, the price of BNB will rise to a certain extent, because the fleeting Jiamu and the Rizhu's Yimu are in harmony, which means that BNB's innovation and development will be supported and recognized, and BNB's products and services will have With some new breakthroughs and optimizations, BNB’s market and users will see some new growth and expansion, and BNB’s brand and image will see some new enhancements and improvements. We expect the price of BNB to rise from $314 to around $380 during this time, an increase of approximately 21%.

- In the second quarter of 2024, the price of BNB will fall to a certain extent, because the fleeting Jiamu and the Nianzhu Dingyou conflict with each other, indicating that BNB’s challenges and competition will increase and intensify, and BNB’s financial and legal affairs will have some Difficulties and obstacles, BNB's products and services will have some problems and defects, BNB's market and users will have some changes and fluctuations, and BNB's brand and image will have some losses and impacts. We expect the price of BNB to fall from $380 to around $315 during this time, a drop of approximately 17.1%.

- In the third quarter of 2024, the price of BNB will rise to a certain extent, because the fleeting Jiamu and the time pillar Xinsi are congruent, which means that BNB opportunities and ideas will appear and increase, and BNB’s knowledge and skills will improve. and improvement, BNB's products and services will have some improvements and innovations, BNB's market and users will have some cooperation and relationships, and BNB's brand and image will have some restoration and improvement. We expect the price of BNB to rise from $315 to around $370 during this time, an increase of approximately 17.5%.

- In the last quarter of 2024, the price of BNB will have a certain degree of stability, because the fleeting Jiamu and the moon pillar Dingwei are in conjunction, indicating that the balance and stability of BNB will be achieved and maintained, and BNB’s policies and regulations will adapt to and By complying, BNB's products and services will be stable and optimized, BNB's market and users will be stable and maintained, and BNB's brand and image will be stable and improved. We expect the price of BNB to fluctuate around $370 during this time, with little change.

The above is the price trend analysis of BNB based on horoscopes. I hope it will be helpful to you. Thank you for reading and supporting. 😊