Manta network is the multi-modular ecosystem for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications.

Manta offers two networks:

  • Manta Pacific, the unique L2 ecosystem on Ethereum for EVM-native ZK applications, provides a scalable and inexpensive gas-fee environment for ZK applications to deploy simply using Solidity.

  • Manta Atlantic, the fastest ZK L1 chain on Polkadot, brings programmable identities and credentials to web3 through zkSBTs.

Together, Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic deliver an unparalleled experience for the next generation of web3 application development and adoption with the applied usage of zero-knowledge cryptography.

At the moment what i think and believe about Manta ecosystem is something similar or #tia or may be better improvement in upcoming day,

Based on available current supply and what it will bring to cryptocurrency ecosystem, i can see a massive adoption by multiple chains as gas fee are currently something every ecosystem is concerned about, and Manta is trying to fix it. We are all well aware of bullish market because of #BTC/Update halving and BullRun🐂, so in simple run, Manta has hell of potential alot more to offer in coming days, stay tuned. #DYOR