Anybody outhere could predict in 2011 the value of BTC today? Or anybody can do the same with PiCoin in future?

Dont waste your time, dont think too much, it's time to act or even better "TO MINE", most of all because it's FREE.

"Im not and i will NEVER ask for money or never suggest to invest anywhere"

All you have to do is download this app and start mining, just follow as below:

I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 47 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (Calito81) as your invitation code.

It's completely safe and secure

You can trust me, here's only honesty,clearence and transparency.

If you have any question, please just ask below in the comments or reach me into my new channel on telegram MinerManiaMan

Blessing for anybody #BTC #SOL #ETH