Terrible news for those who store #USDC and #DAI in their crypto wallets! Bitcoinists are horrified by the latest events taking place in the cryptocurrency market. Rumors of problems surrounding USDC have been circulating in the crypto community for a long time, but many have ignored them. However, now the risks have become a reality, and the consequences can be catastrophic!
Oops, dear friends in the crypto world, I have bad news for you! Something terrible has happened in the world of cryptocurrencies today that could result in loss and disaster for anyone holding large amounts of USDC and DAI. A portion of $8.7 billion in undisclosed reserves is rumored to have been frozen at the failed Sillicon Valley Bank (SVB). And now USDC has begun to fall at the speed of a meteor, #QYZMET comes to the rescue to warn you of possible problems.
But that is not all! Some of the most famous exchanges such as Coinbase and Binance have already suspended USDC conversion and USDC<>BUSD exchange respectively. And DAI lost its peg by 7%, as it is 45% backed by USDC. Oh, these cryptocurrency twists and turns!
What to do in this situation? Friends, if you are still holding large amounts of USDC and DAI, then you need to take action immediately! Do your own analysis of the situation, see what possible risks and consequences there may be. But remember that Circle doesn't tweet anything, and that's very annoying. Although there is a chance that a large bank will buy out SVB and everything will end well, but this will not happen until Monday. Until then, a lot can happen in the crypto world.
If you decide to exchange your USDC, then perhaps swapping USDC for USDT or BTC will be more stable.
Now that USDC is under threat, Bitcoiners must act quickly and savvy. If you are still holding USDC or DAI for a large amount, then it is time to run before it is too late! It is best to swap them for USDT or #BTC . But be prepared for the cryptocurrency market to continue to fluctuate in the near future. Therefore, be careful and do not let your guard down!