Hey, what’s up everyone? This is Firoz and I’m here to talk to you about why the #crypto2023 market is down right now and why we should look at potentially buying more crypto.🚀

You know I’m a big fan of crypto and I believe it’s the future of money. But I also know that it’s not easy to invest in this space. There’s a lot of volatility, uncertainty and risk involved. And sometimes, things can go south really fast.

That’s what happened recently when Silvergate Capital, one of the main banks for the crypto industry, announced that it was shutting down operations and liquidating its bank. This came after a series of events that shook the confidence of crypto investors, such as FTX’s bankruptcy last year, regulatory crackdowns, market manipulation, lack of liquidity, security breaches and correlation with the stock market.

These factors have caused a lot of panic selling and fear in the market, driving down the prices of major tokens like #bitcoin #Ethereum and others. The total value of digital currencies slipped below $1 trillion on Thursday, a huge drop from its peak of over $3 trillion in November 2022.

But here’s the thing: I don’t think this is the end of crypto. In fact, I think this is an opportunity to buy more at a discount. Why? Because I believe in the long-term vision and potential of crypto. I believe that crypto is not just a short-term investment, but a paradigm shift that will transform how we exchange value, store wealth, create innovation and empower people.

Crypto is still in its early stages of adoption and development. There are still many challenges to overcome, but also many opportunities to seize. There are still many projects that are building amazing solutions for real-world problems using blockchain technology. There are still many communities that are passionate about crypto and its social impact.#buildtogether

So don’t let this temporary setback discourage you from investing in crypto. Instead, use this as a chance to do your own research, learn more about the fundamentals, diversify your portfolio and #dca your way into the market.

Remember: Crypto is not for the faint-hearted. It’s for those who have a vision, a conviction and a courage to embrace change.

Which crypto assets are you buying in the market crash?