✨ Claim Your Complimentary $30 MAV Tokens on Binance
Participate in the Maverick (MAV) Binance Airdrop for a chance to win $80,000. 🚀
Follow these steps during the activity period from 2024-01-16 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-01-29 23:59 (UTC):
1. Click the [Join Now] button on the activity page.
2. Utilize the Binance Web3 Wallet to complete specified missions.
3. Verify mission status by tapping the [Verify task status] button on the activity page.
Qualified participants can earn up to $30 in MAV tokens for the On-Chain Swap Mission and $50 in MAV tokens for the Liquidity Provision Mission. The total prize pool includes network and gas fees.
Find helpful guides and related materials, including information on Binance Web3 Wallet and Maverick (MAV) in Binance Research.
Review the Terms & Conditions, encompassing Binance Terms and Conditions for Prize Promotions, Binance Terms of Use, and Binance Privacy Policy, to ensure compliance with activity terms.
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