good greeting

Let me tell you in my opinion why the #AI coin is on the rise

Before daily

After the recovery of the giant Binas platform

AI coin introduced

As a currency coupled with USDT

This means its market size will compete with the price of the well-known global currency

By trying to restore the market after the launch and absorbing the profits from before the launch of the currency, traders’ appetite for investment increased

There are several reasons in my opinion

1- The possibility of pairing it with the USDT currency

2- The appetite for trading in nascent currencies after the recovery of the Kubutoa market

3-We are approaching the year 2024, which is the factor of complete change globally to digitalization legally

4-BlackRock’s acquisition of investment and hedge funds

There are many reasons that prompted and increased the hype over currencies that are linked to currencies based on the idea of ​​banking facilitation and remittances.

This is what prompted me to invest in it

with all due respect


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