A young man is finally going home after five years away from home. The boss asked: Do you want 5 years' salary or 3 pieces of advice? The young man thought for a moment and said: I will give you an answer tomorrow morning. The boss said: OK. The young man didn't sleep that night... The next morning, he said to his boss: I want three pieces of advice. So the boss gave him three words: First, don't try to find impossible shortcuts. There is nothing cheap in the world, and the best way is to be down-to-earth. 2. Don’t be overly curious about things that you know are not a good thing. You may die because of it. 3. Don’t make any decisions impulsively, otherwise this decision may become a lifelong regret for you. After speaking, the boss gave the young man some money and a gift in a beautiful box, and said that the gift could not be opened until he got home. The young man hit the road... He drove for several days, and soon he came across an intersection. He asked: Which way is closest to **? Passerby A: Take the small road, it's closest. Passerby B: Take the main road, it’s safe. The young man was impatient to meet his parents at home, so he took a side road. Not long after walking, I heard passers-by say that there were robbers nearby. The young man suddenly remembered the boss's first advice: Don't try to find shortcuts. So he turned back and took the main road. After walking for a few more days, the young man found a convenient inn to stay. He heard a woman crying in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep, so he decided to go out and take a look. At this time, he thought of the second piece of advice: Don't be overly curious about things that you know are not a good thing. So he fell asleep again. When we set out the next day, the store owner was surprised and said: You are still alive! The young man was puzzled and asked why. The innkeeper said that he had a crazy daughter who would lure people out with her cries when she was sick and then kill them. You and he were the only guests who stayed last night alive. The young man sighed: Ah... we have been walking for a few more days and are not far from home. He became even more excited. Not long after it got dark, he walked to his village. When he got home, he was about to knock on the door when he heard the sound of men arguing in the house. The young man was confused. When he opened the door, he saw several fierce men threatening and intimidating his mother. He was so angry that he ran to the kitchen and picked up the kitchen knife, but then he thought of the third piece of advice: Don't make any decisions impulsively, as this decision may make you regret it for the rest of your life.So he calmed down and went to the house to investigate in detail, only to learn that his father owed hundreds of thousands in gambling debt and was afraid to go home, so he had to persuade the debt collector to send him away. The young man comforted his mother again: I have everything with you, don't worry. In fact, he was extremely upset at this time. Hundreds of thousands was too much for him and it was impossible to get enough. At this time, the young man remembered the gift that his boss told him to go home and open again. With his heart pounding, he slowly opened the box, hoping that there would really be something inside that could help him, but he was disappointed. There was only a USB flash drive inside. The young man was puzzled. He inserted the USB flash drive into his laptop and when he opened it, he found that there was only a bunch of private keys inside. The remark is Fantom chain #Fans铭文。