2023 is the year of inscription, and 2024 is the year of inscription explosion.

The new currency issuance model has a huge wealth effect. In the second half of 2023, as long as you spend time studying and researching, embrace new things. Not arrogant or prejudiced. At least you can earn more than a million. If you dare to take a heavy position, it is not a problem to ask. Again, the logic of leading people to make money is not valid. If you do not have self-awareness, do not learn, and do not have the ability to think independently, even if you are challenged You wouldn’t believe it on your neck either. The 28/20 rule of things will never change. The adult world only screens, not educates.

IERC-M4, with a current market value of 1 million, is the first POW inscription on the entire EVM. The POW computing power shares decentralized indexing services and provides decentralized indexing services for global inscriptions. It is definitely worth your ambush!