Rndr focuses on 0.865.
LDO connects 1.729 and 1.918 as a trend line, and uses this trend line as a reference for whether to continue to hold.
EGLD joins the optional focus.
#SUSHI , #UNI , #LINK can only wait for the DeFi sector to rotate to make up for the increase.
Mina, INJ, #DYDX , #AR , wemix, hft, etc. are all early welfare passwords, and there will be no further opportunities for the time being.
Savings currencies such as AR, FIL, and STORJ have speculation value in the future. Add optional attention and announce the layout later.
The market is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market. The above represents only my personal views and does not serve as investment advice.
Uncle Ambush near the yfi10650-10850 interval
First target 10250
Second target 9700
Risk control 11000