This article uses Feng Shui to analyze ETH's five elements, fate pattern, fortune and luck, and predicts the price range of ETH in 2024. This article believes that ETH's five elements are fire, the useful god is earth, and the taboo god is water. ETH's fate pattern is the wounded official meets the official, the wounded official is Binghuo, and the official star is Renshui. ETH's luck started in 2015 and is currently in the 2025 luck. Ji Tu is ETH's positive wealth, and Wei Tu is ETH's partial wealth. ETH's luck started in 2024 and is currently in the 2024 luck. Jia Zi is ETH's Qi Sha, and Zi Shui is ETH's positive official. This article predicts that the price of ETH in 2024 may be between 15,000 and 45,000 RMB, but it is also affected by other factors, so Feng Shui analysis can only be used as a reference, not as an investment basis.

Key words

ETH; Feng Shui; Five Elements; Fate; Good Luck; Yearly Change


1 Introduction

ETH is a digital currency based on smart contracts. It has the characteristics of innovation and change, and is the native currency of the Ethereum platform. The price fluctuation of ETH is affected by many factors, one of which is Feng Shui. Feng Shui is a discipline that studies the impact of the natural environment on human destiny. It believes that all things have the attributes of the five elements, namely gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. There is a relationship between the five elements, which can affect the fortune of people and things. This article will analyze and predict the price trend of ETH from the perspective of Feng Shui.

2. The Five Elements of ETH

The five elements of ETH are fire, because it is a digital currency based on smart contracts, with the characteristics of innovation and change, and fire is the most active and changing substance. The generation and restraint relationship of fire is: fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, water generates wood, and wood generates fire. Fire restrains metal, metal restrains wood, wood restrains earth, earth restrains water, and water restrains fire. Therefore, the useful god of ETH is earth, and the taboo god is water.

Earth can cultivate fire, making it more stable and lasting, which is good for the security and sustainability of ETH. Water can extinguish fire, making it lose its vitality and value, which is bad for the vitality and credibility of ETH. Gold can produce water, making it more abundant and circulated, which is good for the liquidity and tradability of ETH. Wood can produce fire, making it more vigorous and passionate, which is good for the innovation and heat of ETH. Fire can restrain gold, causing it to deform and break, which is good for the competitiveness and innovation of ETH.

3. ETH’s fate

ETH's fate is "Shangguan Jianguan", the "Shangguan" is Binghuo, and the "Guanxing" is Renshui. The "Shangguan" can hurt the "Guanxing", making ETH free and flexible, without constraints and restrictions. The "Shangguan" can also make money, giving ETH a source of wealth and growth potential. The "Shangguan" is ETH's day master, but is restrained by the "Guanxing", so it will not cause too much harm to ETH.

4. ETH's fortune and luck

ETH's fortune started in 2015 and changes every ten years. It is currently in 2025. Ji Tu is ETH's positive wealth, and Wei Tu is ETH's partial wealth. This is a prosperous fortune, which is conducive to ETH's value enhancement and market expansion. However, there is also a God of Food in 2025, which is Yi Wood. The God of Food can harm the wealth star, causing ETH's wealth to suffer losses and reductions, and may also increase ETH's risks.

ETH's luck starts in 2024 and changes every year. Currently in 2024, Jiazi is ETH's Qisha, and Zishui is ETH's Zhengguan. This is a year of conflict between Qisha and Zhengguan, which is not conducive to the stability and maintenance of ETH's authority and reputation, nor is it conducive to the progress and breakthrough of ETH's technology and innovation. In addition, 2024 also has a day master, which is Jiamu. The day master can produce fire, which will enhance ETH's vitality and value, and may also lead to the acceleration of ETH's innovation and change.

5. ETH price prediction

According to Feng Shui analysis, the price trend of ETH is affected by the fortune and the year, but also by other factors, such as monetary policy, economic cycle, technological innovation, market supply and demand, etc. Therefore, Feng Shui analysis can only provide a rough reference and cannot be used as an investment basis. This article predicts that the price of ETH in 2024 may be between 15,000 and 45,000 RMB, but it also depends on the market supply and demand and the influence of other factors.

in conclusion

From the perspective of Feng Shui, this article analyzes the five elements, fate pattern, fortune and fleeting year of ETH, and obtains the useful god, taboo god, fortune and price forecast of ETH. This article believes that the five elements of ETH are fire, the useful god is earth, and the taboo god is water. The fate pattern of ETH is the wounded official meets the official, the wounded official is Binghuo, and the official star is Renshui. ETH's fortune started in 2015 and is currently in the fortune of 2025. Ji Tu is ETH's positive wealth, and Wei Tu is ETH's partial wealth. ETH's fleeting year started in 2024 and is currently in the fleeting year of 2024. Jia Zi is ETH's Qi Sha, and Zi Shui is ETH's positive official. This article predicts that the price of ETH in 2024 may be between 15,000 and 45,000 RMB, but it also depends on the supply and demand relationship in the market and the influence of other factors. This article hopes to provide some useful information and reference for ETH investors and enthusiasts, but also reminds everyone to treat Feng Shui analysis rationally and not blindly believe and superstitious.