Some of you are terrible traders 📉

The kind of traders selling 24h before giga pumps

Thankfully you don’t need to trade to “make it” in web3

5 skills that can make you over $100k per year this bull run 👇

1ïžâƒŁ Copywriting, my bread and butter. You can often charge $150 for writing a thread and $1000s for bigger gigs

Once you have a few clients, you will often get referrals, and things can scale pretty quickly

The more you write for yourself the more opportunities will come your way


2ïžâƒŁ Collab manager, which is great when liquidity flows in the market.

In 2021, CM could get 0.1 to 0.2 eth for bringing in big collabs, and you often get WL for yourself

There is a huge network of CM, start by getting into a few groups and connect with upcoming projects as often as possible


3ïžâƒŁ Advisor, if you have experience in marketing and great market knowledge.

There will be plenty projects in need of help, especially web2 brands entering the space

Unfortunately, builders often lack accurate view of the market and can believe their own hype. Be that person to bring objective insights


4ïžâƒŁ Space host will be a huge opportunity to leverage if you have great speaking skills.

We’ve seen many strong projects recently banking it all on having a great space presence, and for good reasons. Humanising projects by giving them a voice is extremely powerful

Start with your own space and be a guest on as many other spaces as possible and focus on bringing high value per word


5ïžâƒŁ Community Manager, which is challenging but highly rewarding.

If you are able to manage communities and help projects thrive, you are in business

It goes beyond discord moderation, you need to bring life to the community, and increase audience retention


That’s a wrap!

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