I pity the newbies in crypto this season who will buy high and sell low... permit me to educate you on something before you leave...I want to give you a few of my experiences since I joined this space....I will drop just 2 out of my 10 experiences and if you need more u could drop a comment...so lets go...

1...let the market come to you...: this is where most newbies get it wrong... They always hop in at the highs and start waiting for it to go higher and later get disappointed

2....Do not believe all they tell you not even your mentors always DYOR: I know this might sound rude but I apologize to whoever it may concern....bear it in mind that no one knows it all...do not follow mentors blindly without asking questions like most people follow some clerics and ignore the dangers of most instructions given to them...you probably must have come across the story of the clergy who gave his followers a disinfectant to drink saying they want to get a meeting with God... anyways that's enough....as always I wont forget to drop a Gem for you to buy....get #MOVR/USDT when it falls below 22...note for scalping alone...