#Arbitrum #RoseonX #ROSN #ROSX

The new whitepaper gives a comprehensive overview of the upcoming features within the Roseon Ecosystem. It covers everything from the tokenomics of the ROSX token to the integration with Arbitrum. It provides a detailed analysis of all the enhancements that are currently in the works, giving readers an in-depth understanding of what they can expect from the Roseon platform. HereÂŽs an abstract of the tokenomics on the new ROSX token.

Token Specifications: 

  • Ticker: ROSX

  • Blockchain: Arbitrum

  • Token Type: Governance

  • Total Supply: 200,000,000

Token Metrics:

  • Total Supply: 200,000,000

  • Token Type: Governance

  • Team and Advisors: 10% (locked for 12 months before vesting over 48 months)

  • Old Holders: 30% (fully unlocked) Investors: 8% (locked for 12 months before vesting over 36 months)

  • Rewards/DAO: 25% (vesting over 60 months after 5% release)

  • Partnership and Community: 12% (vesting for 60 months after 5% release)

  • Treasury: 15% (vesting over 48 months after 5% release)

Token Economics:

  • $ROSX is a governance token of the Roseon ecosystem

  • Offers access to all ecosystem services, discounts on platform fees, tiered loyalty rewards, and governance

  • Roseon Exchange ecosystem has three tokens: $ROSX, $eROSX, and $ROLP

Token Utility & Flow:

  • ROSX can be obtained through various methods such as providing liquidity, earning and vesting eROSX, purchasing on supported exchanges, or through platform rewards

  • ROSX holders can stake their tokens to receive a share of platform rewards

  • eROSX is a vesting token for ROSX and can be staked to claim the same amount of ROSX, which is unlocked over a 1-year linear vesting period

  • ROLP token allows users to back leveraged trades within the platform and holding ROLP tokens entitles users to a share of 50% of total fees generated by the perpetual exchange

Trading Fees and Buy Back:

  • Two trading types of fees: position fee and funding fee

  • VIP and NFT holders are eligible for fee discounts

  • Buyback model implemented to ensure stability in the supply of ROSX token

  • Up to 20% of generated fees will be utilized to purchase ROSX from the open market and distributed as rewards to stakers

Token Migration:

  • Conversion rate to convert ROSN to ROSX is 1:1

  • Migration guide will be published prior to TGE

  • Migration supported for LP holders and stakers

  • ROSN in Roseon App will be automatically migrated

The allocation of ROSX tokens is structured to support the growth and development of the Roseon project.

The team and advisors will receive 10% of tokens, which are locked for 12 months before vesting over 48 months. This approach ensures that the team is incentivized to work towards the long-term success of the project.

For old ROSN token holders, 30% of tokens will be allocated for swapping to the new ROSX token. These tokens are fully unlocked.

A total of 8% of tokens are allocated for strategic equity investors or token investors, with a lockup period of 12 months before vesting over 36 months.

To encourage user adoption and raise awareness of the project, 25% of tokens are allocated towards rewards for staking programs, DAO, and other promotional campaigns. These tokens vest over 60 months after a 5% release.

For marketing efforts, including community partnerships and loyalty programs, 12% of tokens are allocated. 10% of total tokens will vest for 60 months after a 5% release, while 2% of total tokens are allocated for KOLS and contributors at the beginning, vesting and not unlocking at TGE.

To support continued development and future expansion of the business, 15% of future reserve tokens are allocated to the treasury. These funds will be used to enhance the application and achieve the goal of bringing mass adoption of DeFi. These tokens will vest over 48 months after a 5% release.

Overall, the token allocation is designed to support long-term success, growth, and development of the Roseon project while incentivizing stakeholders towards its vision.