Former SEC Chairman Says Bitcoin ETF Approval Is Inevitable

1. Former SEC Chairman Jay Clayton said that Bitcoin ETF approval is “inevitable.”

Indicating the market’s optimism about the approval of the Bitcoin ETF.

2. The Bitcoin ETF approval process is accelerated:

Bitcoin ETF applicants submitted revised documents to the SEC, indicating that the approval process may be accelerated.

3. Crypto market sentiment is extremely greedy:

The Cryptocurrency Fear and Greed Index reached “Extreme Greed,” showing market confidence in Bitcoin ETFs.

4. Lazarus Group activities are restarted:

The Lazarus Group, which is linked to the North Korean government, has shown that its activities have resumed by moving more than $1 million in Bitcoin.

The activity occurred at the same time that the Bitcoin ETF candidate filed revised documents with the SEC.

5. SEC may historically approve Bitcoin ETF:

Former SEC Chairman believes Bitcoin ETF approval is “possible” and “imminent.”

Clayton emphasized that Bitcoin’s infrastructure improvements have made it easier to participate in traditional financial markets.

6. The activities of the Lazarus Group attracted attention:

Lazarus Group activity may be related to Bitcoin ETF decision deadline.

The group showed it is ready for more activity by moving Bitcoin.

7. Former SEC Chairman’s praise for blockchain technology:

Jay Clayton expressed his affirmation of the potential of blockchain technology for the tokenization and trading of real-world assets.

Said this is a critical moment for change in the entire financial industry.

8. Review of the historical activities of Lazarus Group:

The Lazarus Group’s past activities in the field of cybercrime include the 2022 Ronin Bridge hack. #BTC $BTC