Global warming, which has become most acutely felt not only in traditionally hot countries, but also in Russia, especially in recent years, along with the most difficult international situation and the threat of a global recession, has given priority to the topic of abandoning fossil fuels.

The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research believes that wind will become the basis of green energy, with solar, hydrogen and geothermal resources becoming additional sources. European lawmakers have given final approval to legally binding targets for faster deployment of renewable energy by the end of 2030, Reuters reported. The law raises the EU's renewable energy targets, requiring 42.5% of the EU's energy to come from renewable sources by 2030. Previously, they planned to reach 32% by the end of the decade. In the transport sector, the law requires EU member states to achieve a share of renewable energy sources of at least 29% or reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their transport sector by at least 13%.

In the EU, Germany has the largest number of energy-intensive industries and is the driving force of the European economy. According to the Federal Environment Agency, the share of renewable energy sources in Germany last year was 20.4%. Although the German economist and ex-president of the Munich Institute for Economic Research, Hans-Werner Sinn, in an interview with the German YouTube channel Mission Money, says that “in Germany, the share of primary energy currently coming from wind and solar is only 6 percent. Yes, this is more than it was a few years ago. But that's 6%, and only 16% comes from all green energy. You can't change that any further, you can't repurpose even more land, because then we have a dilemma between food and fuel. You can't build more dams. There is nothing that would contribute to this."

In fact, we are talking about increasing electricity generation from renewable energy sources in Germany by more than 2 times over the remaining 7 years. It seems that this task is difficult to achieve, given that Germany has abandoned nuclear energy. Based on the opinion of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany will most likely increase its wind turbine fleet. However, it is advisable to install them in northern Germany on the Baltic Sea coast and build high-voltage power lines to transfer electricity to central and southern Germany, which will require large investments.

An article in The Economist magazine points out that the German authorities have for too long “rested on the laurels” of the successes of traditional industries without investing in new technologies. The automotive industry, which is the driving force of Germany's German industry, is reducing its market share in China, losing out to local manufacturers. At the same time, Germany lost cheap Russian gas and abandoned nuclear energy. All this reduces the competitiveness of German business. The authors of the article recommend that the German authorities support new companies, develop infrastructure, technology, and educate new talents.

New companies introducing new innovative technologies can support the efforts not only of Germany, but also of other countries towards a transition away from fossil fuels. Thus, within the framework of the G20 summit, held on September 9-10, 2023 in New Delhi, at the energy and technology section, the president of the Neutrino Energy Group, whose central office is located in Berlin, made a report on the development of a new method of fuel-free generation based on the company’s Neutrinovoltaic technology, Holger Schubart informed about the final pre-industrial field tests ongoing in Austria lasting 6-9 months, which involved 150 pieces of resonator energy converters Neutrino Power Cubes with a net power of 5-6 kW. The report also stated that the first production will begin licensed industrial production of Neutrino Power Cubes at the beginning of 2024 in Switzerland, where the reconstruction of several production sites for the production of resonators - energy converters Neutrino Power Cubes is almost completed. Here, Neutrino Power Cubes will be mass-produced in the form of an electrical panel (cabinet), which is conventionally divided into 2 departments: an electricity-generating department, where 6 electricity-generating modules are located, and a department for installing a control system. The generating compartment has a size of 800x400x600 mm and a weight of about 50 kg. The control system compartment houses inverters for converting the generated direct current with alternating voltages of 220 V and 380 V, and there is also a DC connector for direct connection of computers and various devices and gadgets. Neutrino Power Cubes do not have rotating mechanisms, so energy conversion occurs silently. The following production facilities in Korea are scheduled to begin production at the end of 2024, with an increase in production capacity of 30 GW per year by 2029.

Electric power generation, created on the basis of Neutrinovoltaic technology, is an extremely important direction in science today, providing a serious chance to diversify methods of generating electricity, and more specifically, one of the most promising areas of fuel-free power generation due to the transformation of the energy of Louis de Broglie's matter waves and thermal (Brownian) motion graphene atoms into electric current.

“Before many generations pass, our technology will work on the basis of energy that can be obtained anywhere in the Universe. This idea is not new... There is energy everywhere in space. Is it static or kinetic? If it is static, our hopes will not come true; if it is kinetic, and we know that it is, then it is only a matter of time before people learn to draw energy from nature itself.”

The Neutrino Energy Group is adapting Neutrinovoltaic technology to provide electricity for domestic and industrial applications, as well as for electric vehicles, which could strengthen the competitive advantages of the German automotive industry. In 2026, together with Indian partners, the Pi-Car concept of an electric vehicle with a body made of metamaterial will be presented, which will have a system of energy conversion points for Louis de Broglie’s matter fields and thermal fields, as well as a system of capacitors. The conversion of the energy of surrounding energy fields into electric current occurs due to the special properties of graphene. This material is woven into the carbon fiber body of the car in many extremely thin layers in the form of a “sandwich” of silicone. The energy captured from the surrounding radiation fields is directed into a capacitor system and then into the battery and creates traction force for movement through a control unit optimized by artificial intelligence. One hour of parking at an outside temperature of 20 degrees Celsius provides up to 100 kilometers of range without recharging using the charging cable.

In the course of their experiments, Neutrino Energy Group scientists concluded that the mechanism for generating electric current lies in the presence of “graphene waves.” Harmonic oscillations of “graphene waves” that turn into resonance are, in fact, work done at the micro level, at the level of microparticles, necessary to convert the thermal (Brownian) motion of graphene atoms and the energy of particles of Louis de Broglie’s matter waves into electric current. “Graphene waves” lead to the generation of electromotive force (EMF) in each layer of graphene due to the interaction of magnetic and electric fields. The conversion of energy into electric current occurs due to a multilayer nanomaterial of alternating layers of graphene and doped silicon, deposited on metal foil under vacuum conditions. The optimal composition of such a material involves the presence of 12 alternating layers of graphene-silicon with a total ratio of 75/25%. Layers of alloying elements create the effect of film diodes, passing current in only one direction.

The future of energy and electric transport lies in the latest technologies, so the creation of a nanomaterial by Neutrino Energy Group, which converts the energy of matter waves into electric current, is a huge achievement of scientists and the first step towards transforming the energy generation sector.




