#BTC Lessons learned from the Bitcoin standard.

Throughout human history, we have used gold, silver, copper, shells, glass beads, salt, livestock, and even tobacco under certain conditions as money. "There are no right or wrong forms of money, but there are consequences to choosing certain types of money," Seifeden Amos writes.

However, achieving scarcity becomes much more difficult over time. In this context, scarcity refers to the ability of a commodity to maintain its value over time and into the future. The concept of scarcity therefore includes not only the physical resistance of a commodity, but also its ability to maintain its value over time.

Bitcoin's ability to achieve scarcity fundamentally relies on its algorithmic design and the deliberate setting of fixed supply limits. The Bitcoin protocol states that there are only 21 million coins in existence.

In the past, commodities such as gold and silver have shown exemplary good monetary properties.

Basically, healthy money empowers individuals to take a long-term perspective and encourages them to save and invest for future endeavors.

The importance of sound money in promoting investment and entrepreneurship lies in its role as a stable and reliable medium of exchange. This stability allows entrepreneurs to more accurately assess risks and potential returns, allowing them to make informed decisions about their investments.

The book describes it as "decentralized software that enables the transfer of value without relying on third parties and using a currency that is protected from unexpected inflation."

Bitcoin is a technological solution to centuries-old concerns about sound money. By leveraging its properties, Bitcoin has proven to be a transformative force that reshapes the landscape of the financial system in line with the enduring principles of sound money.