It's also a tribute, why buy a tribute unit symbol for $1000SATS?
Why not buy a coin that pays tribute to domo, the originator of the entire BRC20?
Which tribute is more meaningful, and which coin is more promising and more likely to enjoy higher gains?
SATS analysis:
Total market value: US$1,400,000,000
Number of holders: 47,000
Already listed on top exchanges
Token creator (unknown)
DOMO analysis
Total market value: US$4,890,000
Number of holders: 2251
Not listed on any exchange
Token creator (same person as $ORDI creator)
By comparison, you will find that domo has unlimited potential.
First, its market value is very low, only one 286th of sats.
Second, it is not listed on any exchange, so the threshold for buying it is relatively high, and you need to buy it on the chain. Every time I go to an exchange in the future, it will be a good thing and it will go up.
Third, it was the creator of ordi who created Domo. I believe he had the same idea when he created it to pay tribute to Domo.
For the same 10,000 yuan, if you buy sats, it will cost you up to 30,000 to 50,000 yuan to boil a frog in warm water. If you buy Domo, you have the chance to make millions.