In this era, how can the poor turn around?

It’s all good stuff! Open them all and take a look!

1. Study hard and get at least a bachelor's degree.

2. Be careful when making friends, including those around you, and keep a low profile and not reveal the true situation.

3. Keep a social circle with a small number of people. It is safest to have no relationships. Don’t be too enthusiastic. The most important thing is to socialize upward.

4. Learn to deal with interpersonal relationships, because you have been interacting with people throughout your life, and knowing how to give gifts is an essential skill.

5. Maintain privacy. Even if it is an intimate relationship, you must respect each other and do not trust people easily.

6. Strengthen self-cultivation, improve EQ and IQ, and remain humble and low-key.

7. Looking at reality rationally, finding employment in a timely manner, financial planning and staying healthy are the keys.

8. Don’t pay too much attention to other people’s opinions. Whether you are happy or not depends on yourself. Look at life optimistically.

9. Be confident and treat others as equals without having to feel inferior or inferior.

10. Seize the time, avoid wasting your life on trivial matters, and face life optimistically.

11. Changing the environment helps to change thinking. The environment determines thinking, and thinking determines behavior.

12. Actively try to conduct trial and error on the basis of a stable market, read more, cultivate systematic thinking, and understand the pulse of society and the times.

13. Don’t be too honest with anyone. Honest people will be bullied.

14. Success = strong ability + help from noble people + luck.

We are working hard to complete every point, come on people in the currency circle