$BNB The hugely popular software from OpenAI with ChatGPT chatbox has dominated the headlines on how artificial intelligence (AI) technology revolutionizes how we digest information. Rumors are that Silicon Valley, like Microsoft, is planning to invest over $10 billion into the project, which only means AI is here to stay. 

Part of the reasons AI has garnered attention is mainly for its ability to help us solve complex problems in unconventional ways and eliminate mundane tasks. It can also help us make better decisions by leveraging data more effectively than humans ever could. As AI continues to evolve, it only opens up newer possibilities for businesses and individuals to grow. 

When combining AI with blockchain technology, the potential is imminent. It analyzes patterns in blockchain data and detects suspicious activities, helping reduce fraud and money laundering. Using AI in confidential smart contracts ensures that transactions comply with predefined rules. And AI also uses predictive analytics to better forecast cryptocurrency market trends and prices.