It's not the rich in cash that gives, it's the rich in heart.

They're many people who are far richer than I am but will never attempt doing one third of what I do for others.

Most times, I don't do it because of what I can gain.

I do it because I genuinely love people.

Lots of people don't give because they're afraid of being broke or going back to poverty again.

But I give because I'm 100% confident I can't be poor nor broke ever again.

I give because I have an indepth understanding of what giving does to a man.

It expands your heart.

It forcefully increases your capacity.

Expands your scope of responsibility.

Enlarges your vision.

Most importantly, the part in the BIBLE that says Givers never lack isn't a rhetorics.

It's actually pragmatic principle.

If only people who receives knows the blessings and greatness givers enjoy, they will stop being on the receiving end.

Tomorrow now, when you hear I'm rich in millions of dollars, you will say I'm lucky.

When you hear that I became the president,you will say it's luck.

When you hear that highly influential and powerful.

You will say that I'm Lucky.

No my friends, everything you want in this life has an equivalent seed that unlocks it.

If you want WISDOM, there is a seed for it - voracious search for knowledge and applying the knowledge gives you WISDOM.

If you want MONEY - value exchange in form of products and services gives you MONEY

If you want to be friends with Great men - gifts and bringing support to them when needed gives you access to great friends.

I can go on mentioning it.

Just know, nothing in life is accidental.

Everything you want is intentionally created.

This is beyond just crypto 👍