How to create a long time wealth in crypto.

There are some projects in cryptocurrency space that could make you reach but this would of cause require time and a lot of patience.

My few years in this space has thought me the importance of emotional detachment from projects, how to listen less to lots of influences shilling projects and which ends up becoming a total scam, avoidance of tokens swap(swapping from one project to another prematurely), the green and red candles rules(the pumps - don’t buy and dumps - buy), the take profits rule as the projects pumps or retraction of initial capital from the market at some point and safe keeping of tokens in wallets via avoidance of greed in the aspect of free bees.

However, in my humble opinion the highest gainer that I so believed have achieved the best in crypto space are those that buy and hold projects token.

A long time investors have all the opportunities and as well there are some down sides like project folding up, but I would say buying a wonderful projects at the right downside position would leads to a long time gain.

Getting to know a good project requires a lot of work in the aspect of research, project existence longevity and how active the teams are upgrading the same project.

I would recommend just 5 projects with a good prospect and having like 1k of each projects, holding them for at least 2years from now could pull a serious gain.

The followings are my pick.






This is not a financial advice but you give your best getting these tokens would surely bring you a serious gain.