😮🚀🚀Bitcoin reached 45 thousand dollars for the first time in 21 months: There are shocking reasons for the rise...
Bitcoin, which started 2023 at the level of 16 thousand dollars with the difficulties brought by the FTX bankruptcy, reached almost 3 times this price at the beginning of 2024, 1 year later. The biggest cryptocurrency that experienced a sharp rise during these night hours also passed $ 45,500.
Bitcoin has made a strong start to 2024 and reached the level of 45 thousand dollars after about 2 years (April 2022) early this morning. Experts point to the upcoming spot ETF decisions as the main reason for the rise.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) meetings with the companies and file updates had been going on for weeks. All these developments were shown as a sign that the SEC would approve the companies.
Does confirmation come early?
Here, the approach of January 10, the deadline shown for ETFs, and the fact that there is still no negative development, may have pushed the Bitcoin price up. The SEC will make its decision on the ETF, which is planned to be launched in partnership with ARK Invest and 21 Shares, on January 10. Even the US media had written that some ETFs could be approved before January 10 and that the decisions could be communicated to the companies early.
Elon Musk and Tesla rumors
On the other hand, since yesterday evening, some rumors have started circulating on social media that electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla will accept Bitcoin again. Although these rumors are not based on any concrete news, they may have affected investors psychologically and influenced the rise of Bitcoin.
Paying February 2021 with Bitcoin, Tesla announced that it had started selling vehicles with Bitcoin payment. Just 3 months after this announcement, in May, the company's owner Elon Musk claimed that Bitcoin mining was harming the environment and stated that they were suspending Bitcoin sales. This statement brought a sharp decline in Bitcoin at that time.