Shiba inu is worth 0.01 Argentine pesos
ARGENTINA is one of the most beautiful nations, like other countries, Arg has its own thing. It also has political and economic problems.
Argentine society throughout history suffered serious economic blows. Being a native of the place I studied and analyzed the economy during History. I obtained testimony from my great-grandfather about how zeros have been added and removed from the local currency. A total hyperinflation.
My result was that originally they removed between 12 and 13 zeros from the Argentine peso. A strong point of view to think about how the Arg weight is called stable.
Until recently $SHIB was worth 0.01 Arg peso in Arg. It is clear to admit that Shiba Inu has more possibilities to rise. People in Argentina seek to protect themselves from devaluation through many factors and assets, including crypto assets, other currencies, etc.
Quite a problem and a great search for a solution. The Argentine people simply cannot depend on or trust the sovereign currency.
Shiba Inu may become worth as much as its predecessor $DOGE did.
Thank God we can trust the exchange like Binance. Now, finally, the harsh reality seems that the local currency remained a meme. Even though more high-numbered bills are printed. We stay in the same situation, because it is worth less and things go up. It certainly misses the joke.
Shiba Inu may be a solution, it has potential, no one knows. We know that there are risks when investing.
As the saying goes, he who does not risk does not gain.#ShibaInu