Real offer update, day 76, the game is real, 20,000 spot cash flipped to 2 million real record, personal record, no investment advice, currently 89078 Today’s summary: I bought some SSV yesterday, and then transferred it from Binance last night The point bounced to other places, and I ambushed 3 small coins. Let's make a high profit. If the market crashes later, I will add more positions. However, I will not buy more than 10,000 per coin at most. It doesn't matter if I lose. I don't want to make a high profit. It’s too slow. It’s a new year and a new beginning. I wish my brothers and sisters to be rich and prosperous this year!

Come on, brothers and sisters! I am Mr. Long, a little leek who sincerely wishes you to get rich in this market. This is purely a personal record, please do not spray, thank you.