Written when TRB reached 600.

I had already paid attention to this coin in October, and the nameless coin ranged from 7 to 70.

No background, no skills, no gimmicks. At that time, I felt that this coin was just for giving money, so I didn’t discuss it. I caught a periodic high point and opened a short position. I made 10% on the first day, and I was very proud of it.

However, it did not fall like other junk coins. My position went from 10% to -40% very quickly. I covered my position and continued to be short. Two days later, I felt something was wrong. Although the currency price did not increase much, my mentality of being eaten up for my tariff was a bit broken.

After communicating with a friend once, his view is that the general trend has changed. The market is no longer falling unilaterally. Monsters and monsters will come out. It is not a dream for such a small coin to be a hundredfold.

After one night, I gave up and cleared out my stock, and have been waiting and watching until now.

Don't underestimate dumb money, and don't underestimate the dealer's tricks. The rise of early coins will convince people.

A few hours ago, I saw a currency friend rush into short selling at 480, and he was very proud of his profit. I don’t know if it has exploded now.

The brave ones rush, the cautious ones wait and see. But don’t be smart and rush into the short space, it will only become fuel for the rise. Even if you are right, it will eventually fall, but with a 2% interest rate, aren’t you afraid of being burned to death?

The lessons learned from Game Stop, think about it, can small retail investors be smarter than hedge funds? Impossible, but hedge funds can double the short squeeze, can you escape? #trb #BTC #TRB/USDT