#Investment #balance #FinDeAñoEnCripto Crypto balance: what the year left and what to expect for 2024

If someone said on January 1, 2023, when the price of Bitcoin (BTC) was struggling not to drop below US$16,000, that the cryptocurrency would close the year above US$40,000, probably no one would believe them. However, it happened. And not only with BTC, but with all cryptocurrencies in general since, together, they doubled the global capitalization of the sector during the last twelve months. Because this industry is that volatile and predicting what will happen to it is really complex, although not impossible.

But before moving on to 2024, it is necessary and useful to review what happened during 2023. "Globally, we observed that the industry faced a difficult start to the year, following the 2022 price drop and the events of the FTX bankruptcy in November of last year. During the first quarter, American banks with a lot of interconnection with the crypto system went out of business and that gave another dose of uncertainty to the system," explains Julián Colombo, CEO of Bitso Argentina. And he adds in this regard: "However, we experienced a second semester that was driven by the rise in the prices of BTC, ETH and other large market capitalization cryptocurrencies, which is why the year ends more positively than how it had started. ".