SUMMARY 2023...
2022 major crashes in the Cryptocurrency market, some actually being scammers looking to take advantage, others lacking due competence on the part of developers..
2023?... good 2023 year of a market recovery and the emergence of promising projects in addition to project migrations leaving different networks/Blockchains to create your own and have your sovereignty in Cosmos...
2023 was just the beginning of the "joke", let's "enjoy" (some profit making) in 2024... and in 2025 we will "pop the champagne" (make huge profits)... that is, of course, if war or disease don't happen or something like that to get in the way...
Don't pop the champagne right at the beginning of the game... enjoy it to the fullest... and when it's time for the champagne, let the pop be special... and don't forget to hold on to a few dollars for the downturn that should come later ;)
Happy 2024... Let's Rock it and make it very pleasurable.
Henri Steel Chie - Founder of Escola Cripto SIS
Smart Investment Strategy -SIS
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