Real offer update, on the night of the 74th day, the game is real, 20,000 spot cash turned over 2 million real records, personal records, no investment advice, currently 86966

Urgent notice: The most failed investment in the past few months was the Audi I bought for 32. The band failed for me. I originally wanted to wait for a big correction for me to get back on the car, but unfortunately I underestimated it. The leader will always be the leader. Zhuang is too strong. This time I lost money and had to liquidate the positions of sols btcs rats in small exchanges and replace them all with Audi. This time, the Dragon Club has been adding positions at low prices until at least the end of 2024. Everyone is welcome!

Come on, brothers and sisters! I am Mr. Long, a little leek who sincerely wishes you to get rich in this market. This is purely a personal record, please do not spray, thank you.