According to BlockBeats, on September 28, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik published an article titled "Making Ethereum's Alignment Visible", proposing the concept of "Ethereum alignment".

The concept aims to balance Ethereum client teams, researchers, Layer 2 teams, application developers, and local community groups to ensure the construction of a unified Ethereum ecosystem.

Alignment includes value alignment (such as open source, minimizing centralization, and supporting public goods), technical alignment (such as adopting ecosystem-wide standards), and economic alignment (such as using ETH as a token whenever possible).

Vitalik would like to see more entities like L2beat emerge to track how well projects meet standards, and projects should compete on alignment based on easy-to-understand criteria.

"Dashboard organizations" like L2beat and block explorers are examples of the alignment principle working successfully. By making alignment clearer and not concentrating on a single "overseer," the Ethereum ecosystem can be better served in terms of fairness and inclusion.