According to Odaily Planet Daily, Fractal Bitcoin officials said that they received user feedback that the block filling of the Fractal main network was incomplete. Miners prioritize high-fee transactions and are limited by the maximum block size and the number of SIG operations.

When faced with a large number of high-fee MULTISIG transactions, blocks can reach the 80,000 SIG limit and cannot contain any more transactions. Segregated witness transactions consume 1 SIG, and in theory a block can accommodate up to 80,000 transactions.

MULTISIG transactions cost 84 SIGs, and if a block is filled with such transactions, the number of transactions will be reduced to 952, resulting in an incomplete block byte filling. Some blocks are filled with low-fee transactions, increasing the total block fee by about 20%.

This situation is caused by the BTC mainnet mechanism, not a defect in the Fractal browser. The official will continue to pay attention to the situation and improve network connectivity and performance.