According to Odaily Planet Daily, Web3 security and transparency platform g8keep and Gaslite co-founder Pop Punk announced the official closure of Gaslite, saying "this is the best option at present."

He explained: "g8keep has consumed all my energy since it was launched a few months ago. If I can't devote my full attention to Gaslite, I don't think it's right to continue running Gaslite.

Going forward, my sole focus will be on g8keep. I feel like what we’re doing at g8keep has the opportunity to have a bigger impact on the ecosystem than Gaslite ever did.”

He also mentioned that despite gas prices being at all-time lows, Gaslite’s business has never really slowed down. He is very grateful that people trust his brand and are willing to work with Gaslite even if it only saves their users a small amount of money.